
You've stumbled across Dr. P's Dorky Blog, a rather pointless collection of entries that celebrate all things related to the dorky pursuit of gaming and the all-consuming hobby it supports! The blog mainly helps to serve as a scrapbook of gaming goodness and painting projects. From time to time, you may also catch a few oddball posts related to my teaching, research, and other hobbies.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gaming earns a place in Wabash Magazine!

Yep, I know the blog has been neglected...  However, the newest copy of Wabash Magazine got me back in the game.  Sure enough, on page 19, you will find a nice shot of our end of semester gaming festival. 

The event last fall was a blast and nearly 55 folks turned out to support the Dork Club and celebrate the end of another semester of gaming goodness.  Yes, 2012 was a fun year and the club looks fwd to a great 2013!